Local Investing

There is a huge psychological feel good factor from investing locally in small businesses and organizations.  I agree that it’s a really good for San Diegans to invest locally but you should know the financial risks involved.  The two major ones to be aware of...

Price and Quantity are key to business growth

Mind Your Ps and Qs Today I’ll present to first year students at Grossmont College on the importance of Accounting.  Most eyes will glaze over, and yet one or two students will get it.  They will understand that if you have good accounting practices it will be...

Equal Pay Day 4-9-13

Today is equal pay day, meaning a woman must work 99 extra days past 12/31/12 to earn what a man would earn by 12/31. Years ago, I had to demand a raise and it was scary. I had to overcome what most women have to overcome: fear of anger and fear of not being liked. I...

Rise Pee Meditate

Use mindfulness-awareness to make decisions connected to your mind body and soul. Of late I’ve even seen some articles that mindfulness awareness techniques are being adopted by the military to help alleviate PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and by...

Buying happiness

I get stressed about money. Sometimes I kick myself for frittering away small amounts on little treats that add up to a lot. A scone. A cute top. Another pair of black shoes. My stress lessens when I focus on the satisfaction I feel about my impending trip to Sweden....

2013 Resolutions

Well, we’re 15 days into the New Year and it’s possible that many of us have already gotten bored of our resolutions for a bright and shiny 2013. Don’t despair, keep chugging along, this resolution stuff is more of a marathon than a sprint. Here are...